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The Ultimate Confidence Course: Claim your Inner Power
The Fundamentals.
Welcome to the course (3:04)
What is Confidence? (4:29)
The 4 Layers of Confidence (8:56)
Grade your Confidence — an Exercise (3:49)
The Ratio of Familiarity & Difference (5:31)
Time for a Challenge - create your new norm. (5:13)
Building a Confident Self-Image.
Exploring Self-Image (3:45)
The Cognitive Somatic Link (7:56)
The Self-Image Multiplier (7:32)
How We Create Change (6:26)
The Self-Love Process (7:32)
The Power of Submodalities (5:05)
Submodalities — going deeper (8:14)
Submodalities — an experience (12:49)
Submodality Driver Technique (6:16)
End of Section Review (6:01)
Psychological Mentoring & Confidence
Psychological Mentoring (5:49)
Psychological Archetypes (12:37)
Archetypes Exercise (2:24)
Connecting with Archetypes (12:36)
Archetypes Technique (9:39)
End of Section Review (4:05)
Building Self-belief.
Developing Background Confidence (6:28)
Different Types of Value (6:48)
The Social Value Cycle (5:10)
Connecting with Your Value (5:37)
Success Tunnel — building belief (4:31)
Success Tunnel Process (7:33)
The Success Tunnel Exercise - A journal of success. (4:45)
Success Tunnel Continued (4:35)
End of Section Review (4:14)
Building Social Confidence
Social Confidence - An introduction. (5:13)
Key Concept - Giving yourself permission (3:45)
Social confidence & Self-image. (3:41)
The Trick of External Awareness (8:42)
Managing social anxiety - part 1 (11:42)
Managing social anxiety - part 2 (9:18)
Strategic empathy (9:40)
Strategic empathy - an exercise (5:54)
Conversation skills part one (11:56)
Conversation skills part two - "I" to "you" to "we" (8:39)
Conversation Skills — Exercise (4:15)
Conversation Skills — advanced. (5:32)
Socialising in Groups (8:02)
End of section review (5:52)
Closing Comments.
Closing comments (6:32)
Bonus Section
Welcome to the Bonus Section (2:36)
Who are you at your best? - and Introduction (5:45)
The Sun and Clouds Metaphor (6:26)
Exercise - Exploring Your Best-Self (7:36)
Introducing Neurological Levels (5:02)
NLL - The Bottom 3 Levels (5:19)
NLL - The Top 3 levels (9:29)
You at your best - the questions (8:44)
You At Your Very Best - An Experience (12:34)
De-brief and Section Close (6:10)
The Self-Love Process
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